But a 38-year-old Scottish woman's worrying medical symptoms have finally been explained and doctors blame her sex life! For ten years, she had a sex toy suck inside her vagina and she was none the wiser.
The curious case was published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. After presenting at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary with severe emaciation, sepsis, shaking and lethagy, the woman was admitted for surgery after doctors discovered a foreign item wedged in her vagina. It turned out to be an 11cm - long sex toy, that had last been used ten years ago.
The patient admitted she'd be drunk at the time and had little memory of using it with her partner. Doctors subsequently ruled out signs of depression, psychosis or abuse in the woman.
Over the years, the sex toy had lodged between her vagina and bladder, causing a "vesicovaginal fistula" - or an abnormal tract which allows urine to flow into the vagina. This explained the incontinence.
The sex toy also caused a potentially life-threatening case of obstructive uropathy because of the blockage in the bladder. This caused urine to back up into the kidneys.
Once the sex toy was removed, surgeons were able to repair the significant internal damage.
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