While I was aware that both Ed & Lorraine Warren were in fact real people and that the events depicted in James Wan's 'The Conjuring' were based on true events, I never really bothered to look into the actual events behind the movie's inspiration. Hey, I may love horror, but I spook easily when it comes to the supernatural in real life. That said, I was discussing the film with a friend the other night that actually knew the Warren's and had been in their "occult museum," the room where they keep all the trinkets from all their previous cases and was asked if I'd ever seen the real Annabelle doll. The opening of 'The Conjuring' deals with a demonic entity in a doll that tricks it's way into the lives of two female students by pretending to be the spirit of a deceased little girl. And while the design of the doll was tweaked to be more frightening in the movie version, I was curious and looked up the original "Annabelle" case on-line. Below is Lorraine Warren with the real Annabelle doll [source]
This is Annabelle's story:
In 1970 a mother, doting on her only daughter, purchased a Raggedy Ann doll from an antique store. The cute red headed little doll was a present for her daughter Donna. Donna was , at that time, currently residing with her roommate Angie in a small apartment and preparing to graduate from college. Thinking nothing more of the doll than a sign of gratitude and affection from her mother she placed the doll on her bed in her room and basically forgot about it.
As time passed both Angie and Donna noticed an air of strangeness about the doll. Apparently, the doll would move, relatively unnoticeable movements at first, like a change in position, but as time passed the movement became more noticeable. The doll was even once found standing upright, leaning against a chair with its legs crossed. After awhile the doll was said to have actually changed rooms! It would be left in the living room before Donna left for work and upon returning it would be found on her bed, in her room. A moving doll? Very strange indeed.
This Doll Does More Than Just Move
About a month later Donna began to find what she thought were penciled messages. The creepy messages looked to be written in the hand writing of a "small child", scribbled and almost illegible. Although, it could be seen that the messages clearly stated "Help Us" or "Help Lou". Not sure of the messages meanings Donna was uncertain of exactly who the "us" was. Apparently, Donna had never kept parchment paper in the house either. So where did the paper upon which the messages were written come from? Could it have been conjured by the doll itself? Could a doll possibly be writing messages? If so how?
Who's Annabelle Really?
Donna came home one night to find the doll had moved once again. Only this time Donna felt as though something was off. A menacing presence seemed to emulate from the doll and she had the deepest urge to inspect it for some reason. What she found would haunt her forever.
The doll had blood on it. Blood or what seemed to be blood, a liquid like red substance had appeared on both the back of its hands and its chest. Now completely scared and desperate for help, Donna decided it was time to seek an expert. Something was going on and she wanted answers.
Determined to get down to the bottom of things, Donna decided to contact a medium. The medium agreed and a seance was held. Apparantly, there was in fact a spirit taking up residence in the doll and her name was Annabelle Higgins. From what the medium could determine Annabelle Higgins was a young girl of only seven years old when her lifeless body was found in the field upon which the apartment complex now stands. The details of her death never came to light. The so called spirit basically took up residence with the doll and it wanted to stay. Seeing no harm in it and feeling sorry for what the spirit had experienced in life Donna agreed. The true nature of this entity had yet to be revealed.......

"Lou encounter with Anabelle the Doll"
Lou, a friend of Donnas' was less than thrilled with the doll. On numerous occasions Lou warned Angie the doll felt threatening and sinister. Something was off and Lou knew it. Lou's dislike of the doll was well known. He would have more than one terrifying experience with Annabelle. Here is the story of Lou's experience as related by the Warrens themselves:
"Lou awoke one night from a deep sleep and in panic. Once again he had a reoccuring bad dream. Only this time somehow, something seemed different. It was as though he was awake but couldn't move. He looked around the room but couldn't discern anything out of the ordinary and then it happened. Looking down toward his feet he saw the doll, Annabelle. It began to slowly glide up his leg, moved over his chest and then stopped. Within seconds the doll was strangling him. Paralyzed and gasping for breath Lou, at the point of asphyxiation, blacked out. Lou awoke the next morning, certain it wasn't a dream, Lou was determined to rid himself of that doll and the spirit that possessed it. Lou, however, would have one more terrifying experience with Annabelle. Preparing for a road trip the next day Lou and Angie were reading over maps alone in her apartment. The apartment seemed eerily quiet. Suddenly, rustling sounds coming from Donnas room aroused fear that someone had possibly broken into the apartment. Lou determined to figure out who or what it was quietly made his way to the bedroom door. He waited for the noises to stop before entering and turning on the light. The room was empty except for Annabelle whom was tossed on the floor in the corner.
Lou scoured the room for forced entry but nothing was out of place. But as he got close to the doll he got the distinct impression that somebody was behind him. Spinning around he was quick to realize that nobody else was there. Then in flash he found himself grabbing for his chest, doubled over, cut and bleeding. His shirt was stained with blood and upon opening his shirt there on his chest was what looked to be 7 distinct claw marks, three vertically and four horizontally, all were hot like burns. These scratches healed almost immediately, half gone the next day, fully gone by day two."

Paranormal Investigation: The Warrens
Due to the nature of Lou's experiences the doll was no longer believed to be a docile spirit but inhuman and demonic in nature. Donna decided to contact a priest. Bringing in the big guns seemed like the best way to go. Afterall they were fighting a paranormal war of sorts and had nothing to loose by doing so. Father Hegan was the priest they contacted. With his help their case was referred to the famous paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren.
"Ed and Lorraine Warren immediately took interest in the case and contacted Donna concerning the doll. The Warrens, after speaking with Donna, Angie, and Lou came to the immediate conclusion that the doll itself was not in fact possessed but manipulated by an inhuman presence. Spirits do not Possess inanimate objects like houses or toys, they posses people. An inhuman spirit can attach itself to a place or object and this is what occurred in the Annabelle case. This spirit manipulated the doll and created the illusion of it being alive in order to get recognition. Truly, the spirit was not looking to stay attached to the doll, it was looking to posses a human host.
The spirit or in this case an inhuman demonic spirit, was essentially in the infestation stage of the phenomenon. It first began moving the doll around the apartment by means of teleportation to arouse the occupants curiosity in hopes that they would give it recognition.Then predictably the mistake of bringing a medium into the apartment to communicate with it.
In 1970 a mother, doting on her only daughter, purchased a Raggedy Ann doll from an antique store. The cute red headed little doll was a present for her daughter Donna. Donna was , at that time, currently residing with her roommate Angie in a small apartment and preparing to graduate from college. Thinking nothing more of the doll than a sign of gratitude and affection from her mother she placed the doll on her bed in her room and basically forgot about it.
As time passed both Angie and Donna noticed an air of strangeness about the doll. Apparently, the doll would move, relatively unnoticeable movements at first, like a change in position, but as time passed the movement became more noticeable. The doll was even once found standing upright, leaning against a chair with its legs crossed. After awhile the doll was said to have actually changed rooms! It would be left in the living room before Donna left for work and upon returning it would be found on her bed, in her room. A moving doll? Very strange indeed.
This Doll Does More Than Just Move
About a month later Donna began to find what she thought were penciled messages. The creepy messages looked to be written in the hand writing of a "small child", scribbled and almost illegible. Although, it could be seen that the messages clearly stated "Help Us" or "Help Lou". Not sure of the messages meanings Donna was uncertain of exactly who the "us" was. Apparently, Donna had never kept parchment paper in the house either. So where did the paper upon which the messages were written come from? Could it have been conjured by the doll itself? Could a doll possibly be writing messages? If so how?
Who's Annabelle Really?
Donna came home one night to find the doll had moved once again. Only this time Donna felt as though something was off. A menacing presence seemed to emulate from the doll and she had the deepest urge to inspect it for some reason. What she found would haunt her forever.
The doll had blood on it. Blood or what seemed to be blood, a liquid like red substance had appeared on both the back of its hands and its chest. Now completely scared and desperate for help, Donna decided it was time to seek an expert. Something was going on and she wanted answers.
Determined to get down to the bottom of things, Donna decided to contact a medium. The medium agreed and a seance was held. Apparantly, there was in fact a spirit taking up residence in the doll and her name was Annabelle Higgins. From what the medium could determine Annabelle Higgins was a young girl of only seven years old when her lifeless body was found in the field upon which the apartment complex now stands. The details of her death never came to light. The so called spirit basically took up residence with the doll and it wanted to stay. Seeing no harm in it and feeling sorry for what the spirit had experienced in life Donna agreed. The true nature of this entity had yet to be revealed.......
Lou, a friend of Donnas' was less than thrilled with the doll. On numerous occasions Lou warned Angie the doll felt threatening and sinister. Something was off and Lou knew it. Lou's dislike of the doll was well known. He would have more than one terrifying experience with Annabelle. Here is the story of Lou's experience as related by the Warrens themselves:
"Lou awoke one night from a deep sleep and in panic. Once again he had a reoccuring bad dream. Only this time somehow, something seemed different. It was as though he was awake but couldn't move. He looked around the room but couldn't discern anything out of the ordinary and then it happened. Looking down toward his feet he saw the doll, Annabelle. It began to slowly glide up his leg, moved over his chest and then stopped. Within seconds the doll was strangling him. Paralyzed and gasping for breath Lou, at the point of asphyxiation, blacked out. Lou awoke the next morning, certain it wasn't a dream, Lou was determined to rid himself of that doll and the spirit that possessed it. Lou, however, would have one more terrifying experience with Annabelle. Preparing for a road trip the next day Lou and Angie were reading over maps alone in her apartment. The apartment seemed eerily quiet. Suddenly, rustling sounds coming from Donnas room aroused fear that someone had possibly broken into the apartment. Lou determined to figure out who or what it was quietly made his way to the bedroom door. He waited for the noises to stop before entering and turning on the light. The room was empty except for Annabelle whom was tossed on the floor in the corner.
Lou scoured the room for forced entry but nothing was out of place. But as he got close to the doll he got the distinct impression that somebody was behind him. Spinning around he was quick to realize that nobody else was there. Then in flash he found himself grabbing for his chest, doubled over, cut and bleeding. His shirt was stained with blood and upon opening his shirt there on his chest was what looked to be 7 distinct claw marks, three vertically and four horizontally, all were hot like burns. These scratches healed almost immediately, half gone the next day, fully gone by day two."
Paranormal Investigation: The Warrens
Due to the nature of Lou's experiences the doll was no longer believed to be a docile spirit but inhuman and demonic in nature. Donna decided to contact a priest. Bringing in the big guns seemed like the best way to go. Afterall they were fighting a paranormal war of sorts and had nothing to loose by doing so. Father Hegan was the priest they contacted. With his help their case was referred to the famous paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren.
"Ed and Lorraine Warren immediately took interest in the case and contacted Donna concerning the doll. The Warrens, after speaking with Donna, Angie, and Lou came to the immediate conclusion that the doll itself was not in fact possessed but manipulated by an inhuman presence. Spirits do not Possess inanimate objects like houses or toys, they posses people. An inhuman spirit can attach itself to a place or object and this is what occurred in the Annabelle case. This spirit manipulated the doll and created the illusion of it being alive in order to get recognition. Truly, the spirit was not looking to stay attached to the doll, it was looking to posses a human host.
The spirit or in this case an inhuman demonic spirit, was essentially in the infestation stage of the phenomenon. It first began moving the doll around the apartment by means of teleportation to arouse the occupants curiosity in hopes that they would give it recognition.Then predictably the mistake of bringing a medium into the apartment to communicate with it.
The inhuman spirit now able to communicate through the medium, preyed on the girls emotional vulnerabilities by pretending to be a rather harmless, lost young girl with which during the seance, was allowed permission from Donna to haunt the apartment. Insofar as demonic is a negative spirit, it then set about causing patently negative phenomena to occur; it aroused fear through the weird movements of that doll, it brought about the materialization of disturbing handwritten notes, the symbolic drops of blood on the doll, and ultimately it even attacked Lou leaving behind the symbolic mark of the beast.
The next stage of the infestation phenomenon would have been complete human possession. Had these experiences lasted another 2 or 3 more weeks the spirit would have completely possessed, if not harmed or killed one or all of the occupants in the house"
While I was aware that both Ed & Lorraine Warren were in fact real people and that the events depicted in James Wan's 'The Conjuring' were ... dollannabelle.blogspot.de