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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Dog faints from 'overwhelming joy' as he's reunited with owner after two years

The overwhelmed pet dog struggles to cope with his joy.

The overwhelmed pet dog struggles to cope with his joy. Credit: YouTube / Rebecca Ehalt

A dog fainted with excitement when he was reunited with his owner after two years apart.

Schnauzer owner Rebecca Ehalt wrote that her pet's cataplexy was perhaps understandable considering her time away was “in fairness, 14 years in dog years.”

Her YouTube video shows the pet dog wailing with joy as he sees Rebecca for the first time before falling sideways and struggling to his feet.

The dog rolls over after yelping for a short while. Credit: YouTube/RebeccaEhalt

The video has been watched nearly half a million times within a day of being uploaded.

            The dog was picked up after fainting by his father and Rebecca. Credit: 

Ehalt said she took the Schnauzer to the vet after the emotional reunion.

“Everything is fine,” she reported.

iTV News


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