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Saturday, July 26, 2014


Golden Eagle Snatches Kid

Golden Eagle snatches young child

A viral video apparently showing a golden eagle swooping to snatch a baby is a hoax, animation students have admitted.

Over three million people had watched the YouTube clip, purportedly showing the raptor's raid in a park in Montreal, Canada, since it was uploaded last night.

The minute-long clip appears to show the bird of prey swoop, grab the child in its talons, before dropping it to the ground with a bump a few seconds later.

Today, a university in Montreal released a statement, admitting it was the work of three of their 'talon'-ted students.

The statement by Centre NAD said: "The 'Golden Eagle Snatches Kid' video, uploaded to YouTube on the evening of December 18, was made by Normand Archambault, Loïc Mireault and Félix Marquis-Poulin, students at Centre NAD, in the production simulation workshop class of the Bachelors degree in 3D Animation and Digital Design.

"The video shows a royal eagle snatching a young kid while he plays under the watch of his dad. The eagle then drops the kid a few feet away.

"Both the eagle and the kid were created in 3D animation and integrated in to the film afterwards."

Mirror UK


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