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Saturday, September 13, 2014

Say Goodbye to Apple Ipod Classic

We saw this nearing yet Mac has at long last abandoned the ipod Classic. Amid the webpage invigorate that Mac did just after the new iphone 6 was affirmed, all Mac Online Stores have removed the ipod Exemplary from their postings.

This is actually puts an end to the time of hard-drive-based ipod Classic

The media player has not been re-intended for a few years and offers of the ipod classic have likewise declined because of fresher models like the ipod Touch. There were 6 eras of the ipod Exemplary (initially simply called the ipod) with the most recent one having 160gb inner stockpiling.

Mac did not put forth any expression in regards to the expulsion of the ipod Excellent from their authority line-up.


via Apple Online Store


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