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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

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Anti Christ Born in Israel (ONE EYE BABY)

Social medias across the Arab world is ablaze with reports of a mortal "antichrist" baby with one eye and no nose born in Tel Aviv.

Social media posts area unit linking the baby to the Islamic "Dajjal" – the equivalent of the Christian opposer.

Despite the sturdy chance the story and also the video a hoax, the recognition of anti-Zionist/anti-Semiticvituperation that's gift across the center East has given the story traction.

The Arabic related the below video is translated by the mortal Press as:

"Activists on Facebook are showing a video of alittle newborn infant with one eye within the middle of his forehead and while not a slot for the nose, WHO was born in Israel and delineate it as "the Antichrist"

The video has garnered over a hundred twenty five housand(125,000) hits since it had been uploaded however Cairo-based Drprophet Shahat, a member of the Islamic analysis Academy, has denied that the kid may be the opposer.

"The opposer won't seem till once the come of Hebrew, peace be upon him ... there's non secular basis to verify that the baby is that the opposer that is delineate in sacred books," Shahat same.

Indeed, the story of the "cyclops baby" 1st emerged in Bolivia, in 2008.



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