Many people associate mummies with ancient Egypt, but the mummification is a process that was used world-wide in ancient times.
In this article we take a look at some of the most mysterious mummies we have come across.
Some of them are truly unique and make scientists scratch their heads.

In 2000, a strange story was published in the Egyptian magazine Rose El-Yussuf. According to the magazine's writer, in the 80s, the French Egyptologist, Louis Caparat, discovered a secret chamber with a crystal container (tomb) inside the Great Pyramid of Cheops. In the container (tomb), there was lying an alien humanoid that appeared to be in a dormant state. The scientist also found an ancient papyrus which described a meeting of the alien with Pharaoh Khufu (2589-2566 B.C.), commonly known as Cheops.
Further, the ancient document informed that some day in the future, the alien's space-traveling species would arrive from the stars.
The alien also made a suggestion regarding the construction of a pyramid as his resting place
2. America's Mysterious Pedro Mountain Mummy In 1932 when Cecil Main and Frank Carr were digging for gold in the San Pedro Mountains about 60 miles southwest of Casper, Wyoming, they discovered the strange story of a curious very small mummy that later became known as the Pedro Mummy.
The small size and the features of the ancient body indicated it could once have been a member of the hidden race of the Little People living in America.
Many ancient Native American legends tell of a group of beings that are commonly referred to as the Little People. These small beings are sometimes said to me spirits, magicians, ferocious dwarves, fairies, or devils, depending on the tribe's original folklore.
After the discovery of the Pedro mummy, the legends of the Nimerigar were brought to life again.
Is it possible the Pedro mummy was once a member of the Little People?
3. Forgotten Mysterious Mini-Mummy Discovered In Ancient Egyptian Tomb
This is an astonishing discovery archaeologists made a while back and there are still many unanswered questions. How and why did this mysterious mini-woman end up in an ancient Egyptian tomb? Was she a woman of high power and influence? Did she play an important role in the ancient Egyptian society?
The mummy, measuring just 3.2 feet (97 centimeters) dates back to the Roman era. She was discovered in a 2,000-year-old tomb in the Bahariya Oasis, about 225 miles southwest of Cairo.
Archaeologist Mahmoud Afifi, who headed the dig, said she was covered in intricately molded plaster that shows her wearing a tunic, headscarf, necklace, bracelet and shoes. She was dressed in Roman robes and scientists think that the burial style indicates she belonged to Egypt's long period of Roman rule, from 31 B.C. until the Arab invasions of the 7th century.
We nay never know the true identity of the mini-woman discovered in the mysterious tomb.
4. The Blinking Mummy RosalÃa Lombardo
Known as the Girl in the Glass Coffin or Sleeping Beauty, RosalÃa Lombardo is widely considered one of the best preserved mummies in the world. The girl died in 1920 at the age of two of pneumonia in 1920. Rosalia's father was so sorely grieved upon her death that he approached Dr. Alfredo Salafia, a noted embalmer and taxidermist, to preserve her. She was one of the last corpses to be admitted to the Capuchin catacombs of Palermo, Sicily where about 8,000 mummies are being kept. She soon became one of the most well-known.
Her preservation is such that it appears as if she were only sleeping.
According to the Peruvian journal El Comercio, scientists interested in learning more about the embalming techniques employed in RosalÃa's body put a camera inside her sarcophagus, capable of taking pictures every 60 seconds. What happened next came as a surprise. The images taken by the camera seemed to show the little mummy's blue intact eyes were opening and closing several times every day. This weird phenomenon has been the subject of various speculations for some years.
5. The Mystery Of Ancient Egypt’s Red Haired Mummies
Do we really know, genetically speaking, where the so called dynastic Egyptians came from? Some presume they were exclusively of black African origin, while others speculate that they came from lands to the east, were of a complex racial mix, or in fact had as their source Egypt itself.
Can we tell, based on the facial features of sculptures such as this, presumably of Rameses II, an idea of his ethnic ancestry? What is perhaps far more curious is the presence of mummies from ancient Egypt that had red, and in some cases even blonde hair.
6. Mysterious "Perfectly Preserved" 300-Year-Old Mummy Baffles Archaeologists
Archaeologists have made yet another incredible discovery. When experts opened a 300 year-old coffin they found perfectly preserved body! What happened next is somewhat of a mystery and archaeologists have begun an investigation. Inside the tomb were three coffins. Two of the coffins contained remains bodies that had reduced to skeletons. The third coffin contained a mummy that had an unusually well-preserved body
7. Lady Of The Mask: Wari Mummy With Faked Blue Eyes
The Lady of the Mask, a Wari mummy is extraordinary because of her faked blue eyes. It is a face you don't forget easily. The Wari people lived in the Andean highlands of central Peru, but their influence reached beyond the highlands to the Pacific coastline.
The Wari culture is believed to have flourished D 600-1000, meaning before the Incas. Unfortunately these people never developed a written language and left no inscriptions that would provide critical clues to their customs and beliefs.
A 1,300-year-old-mummy unearthed by archaeologists excavating a pyramid in Peru's capital city Lima could in time reveal the secrets of this lost culture. The mummy is assumed to be a noblewoman because of the ornate mask - was found in a crouching position surrounded by ceramics and textiles
8. Remarkable Mummy Reveals Dwarfs Lived 5,000 Years Ago In The City Of Makhunik
Some archaeologists have suggested that the city of Makhunik was once inhabited by ancient dwarfs. Others are denying the possibility. Makhunik is an an ancient Iranian city unearthed in Shahdad, Kerman province. Nobody thought an ancient civilization could exist in this desert until 1946. Scientific and archeological excavations were conducted in this region during 1948-56. Cemeteries belonging to 2nd and 3rd millennium BC and copper furnaces were discovered during eight excavation phases. Relics discovered in Shahdad's cemeteries included numerous potteries and brassware.
A significant aspect about Shahdad is the strange architecture of the houses, alleys and equipment discovered. The walls, ceiling, furnaces, shelves and all the equipments could only be used by dwarfs. After the discovery of City of Dwarfs in Shahdad and stories about peoples who lived there, rumors circulated about the discovery of a dwarf's remains. The latest case pertained to the discovery of a dwarf mummy with a height of 25 cm
9. Bizarre Mummy With Giant Head Discovered In Peru
A very strange abnormal-looking mummy with giant head has been unearthed in Peru. The discovery was made in the Cuzco region, the heart of Incan civilization. Researchers find the mummy extremely odd. The mummy simply does not fit in with the version of history that we have all been taught. The mummy's head is triangular and its eye cavities are very big. "It's 20 inches tall, which doesn't coincide with the stereotypes of humans. It's head is triangular and the eye cavities are too big.
The lower front part of the jaw has a kind of fin that doesn't exist in any ethnicity in the world.
10. 2600-Year-Old Mummy With A Metal Screw In The Leg
An ancient nine-inch metal screw found in the 2600-year-old mummy of an Egyptian priest Usermontu's leg became a worldwide sensation. The discovery was made in 1996. Dr. Wilfred Griggs, Egyptologist and a professor of ancient scripture at Brigham Young University was doing research on mummy DNA in the six resident mummies on display in the Museum, when an X-ray revealed a metal screw near the kneecap of Usermontu. ("DNA Research Conducted on Egyptian Museum Mummies," Rosicrucian Digest, 1995)
The metal screw, connecting the mummy's thigh and lower leg, is now attracting worldwide attention because it is believed to be the first known example of ancient limb reattachment. This particular mummy was acquired by the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum in 1971