Tuesday, August 26, 2014
by skyfishlimit
10:07 PM
You can have power, wealth, an attractive mate and virtually anything else you ever dreamed of – by selling your soul to Satan! But how?
You must know what you’re doing when you make the deal or Satan will cheat you blind. That’s the word from Dr. Rex Touth, expert on satanic rituals and author of How to Negotiate Unholy Contracts.
Dr. Touth cites cases dating all the way back to the 16th century in which humans have agreed to spend eternity in Hell when they die in exchange for earthly pleasures while they’re alive.
“Human history and world literature are teeming with stories like that of Germany’s Dr. Faustus who sold his soul,” says Dr. Touth. “Our own American statesman Daniel Webster once debated Satan in a landmark soul-selling case in which he renegotiated the contract and had it overturned.
“Thousands have gained riches and fulfilled their fantasies.”
There’s a right and wrong way to make contact with the Devil. The right way is to be alone in your room, close your eyes and say, “Satan, I summon you. I have a quality soul to sell if the price is right.” It may take dozens, even hundreds of tries but at all costs, avoid sounding desperate or needy. He’ll show up eventually.
By far the biggest mistake people make is to underestimate how badly Satan wants their soul. It’s like precious gold to him and he’ll pay anything to get it. When he appears, get him to make the first offer, then up it.
Remember, you’re going to burn in Hell forever. So no matter how badly off you are now, demand the best. For instance, even if you feel unlovable and desperate with loneliness, don’t just say, “I want the most gorgeous woman on earth and I want her to be madly in love with me.” Instead, add, “In fact, throw in 100 other women as well so I can pick and choose according to my mood.”
Satan won’t tell you if you don’t ask but you can get a guarantee of 300 years of youthful life before you go to eternal damnation. Why enjoy a mere 75 or 80 years of reckless living when you can get 300?
Religious groups worldwide are trying to ban Dr. Touth’s book. “This kind of trash is spiritual dynamite,” says a spokesman for the North American Council of Churches and Synogogues. “We can’t, in good conscience, let people read how to destroy their almighty souls.”
But Dr. Touth says we should all be aware of the facts so we can make an informed decision. “It’s your soul,” he says. “Do what you want with it.”
Religious groups worldwide are trying to ban Dr. Touth’s book. “This kind of trash is spiritual dynamite,” says a spokesman for the North American Council of Churches and Synogogues. “We can’t, in good conscience, let people read how to destroy their almighty souls.”
But Dr. Touth says we should all be aware of the facts so we can make an informed decision. “It’s your soul,” he says. “Do what you want with it.”
Weekly World News
Sunday, August 24, 2014
by skyfishlimit
12:43 AM
by skyfishlimit
12:35 AM
Interesting video about a strange recordings of some kind of a spheres of UFOs with some kind of an alien beings inside.
Two of these cases have happened in Russia and one in Brazil
by skyfishlimit
12:28 AM
A giant crack emerged last week in northern Mexico and scientists are still working to determine what exactly caused it.
The nearly 30-foot deep, 15-foot wide crevice in the earth extends more than a half-mile, Sky News reported.
Some scientists believe the mysterious crack was the result of seismic activity in the area following a 5.0 magnitude quake earlier this month.
But not all experts are sold on that conclusion.
Others believe an underground stream which eroded the ground below the surface caused the ground to cave in. According to a Mexican newspaper, which cited social media reports, it appears there was heavy rainfall in the area before the trench appeared.
Regardless, scientists don’t think there is any reason to worry.
“It’s definitely not a cause for alarm for the population,” Martin Moreno, the head of National Autonomous University of Mexico’s Regional Station, told newspaper Excelsior, according to a translation by The Huffington Post.
Moreno added that he does not think it would be appropriate to blame an earthquake for the massive crack, contending “when a fault is generated the levels generally move and here we see people walking on both sides of the trench, the two levels are still in place, one side isn’t raised and the other hasn’t sunk either.”
Nevertheless, individuals all over the world appear enthralled by the crack. Footage captured by a drone has amassed nearly 100,000 views on YouTube.
“Wow!” one user commented.
“Pretty trippy,” echoed another.
The Blaze
by skyfishlimit
12:15 AM
Police in Slavonski Brod, a small city in eastern Croatia, have arrested a 52-year-old man who is being called the “Penis Collector” after discovering a large collection of jars filled with human penises soaking in formaldehyde.
Upon entering the suspect’s apartment, authorities where horrified to discover a large collection of human body parts, with “the bulk of his bizarre collection is made up of male genitals.”
Police spokesperson Kata Nujić revealed that police entered the apartment after receiving a tipoff that “jars have been found most likely containing human body parts.”
Sources indicate that the owner of the apartment harvested the organs from the pathology department of the general hospital in Slavonski Brod, where he reportedly worked as a technician. It is assumed that penises were cut off from the bodies of men in the morgue or pathology clinic.
The Daily Grind
Thursday, August 14, 2014
by skyfishlimit
9:33 AM
10 Easy Ways to Recognize Liars-People lie all the time, but depending on how skilled they are, it can be difficult to determine when someone is lying to you. Do you know how to recognize the signs that someone is lying to you? Some of the signs are obvious while others are more subliminal, but there are ways to catch someone in a lie, you just need to know what they are. Here are some easy ways to recognize liars and catch lies:

1.) A person who is lying to you won't make eye contact with you or they make too much eye contact. If a person is lying they may feel you are scrutinizing them and they will look down at the floor or away from your eyes. Some people try to stare you in the face in a deliberate way because they feel like making eye contact will make what they are saying more believable.
2.) Liars avoid using contractions…. “I did NOT have sexual intercourse with at woman”. This is an attempt by the liar to be absolutely clear what they mean but it ends up making the story a lot less believable. Stalling tactics are also common. The liar may ask you a question like “where did you get that information?” while they try to back peddle and come up with an explanation for your question.
3.) Weird Body Language. Liars often fidget, turn away from the person to whom they are speaking, blink rapidly, smile less and have pitch changes in their tone of voice. They may cross their arms which is a sign of being “closed” or trying not to reveal too much information. Sometimes people fidget excessively when they are lying. They could fidget with a part of their body or touch parts of their face, an ear or a nose or play with keys or another item that they have in their hand.
4.) Liars provide additional information without being asked for it. They seem to think that by embellishing their story you will find it more believable. What happens is they tend to make the story more complicated and less believable. The more elaborate the story, the more likely that it is a fabrication and nothing near the truth.
5.) A person who is telling a lie will get defensive. They will do everything in their power to deflect your attention away from themselves and will get angry that you are questioning their innocence. People who are telling the truth tend to go the opposite way and go on the offense. This will become obvious to you when you are trying to have a conversation with a person and they try to change the subject or move the conversation in a different direction.
6.) If a person is lying they tend to over-embellish insignificant details while avoiding important ones. Exaggerated details make the liar feel better, but the person who is hearing the lie will start to get the feeling that something is definitely amiss. This can make it easier to catch a person in a lie because you can jot down details of the story that you are being told and then ask questions about those details later to see if they are still the same.
7.) Watch the eye movements of the person. If a person is remembering something they tend to move their eyes up and in a left direction if they are right handed. If they are making something up, their eyes wil move up and to the right. Left handed people do similar movements but in the opposite direction. People blink rapidly (“eye flutter”) when they lie or they may rub their eyes. Eyelids also tend to close a little bit longer than a normal blink if a person hears something or sees something they they do ont like. Hand movements towards the eyes can be a further indication of “blocking out” the truth.
8.) Some people sweat more when they are telling a lie. Measuring perspiration is one of the markers of a polygraph test but is not an indication on its own of a person telling a lie. Some people sweat more when they are nervous or if they are shy. Sweating together with blushing, trembling and difficulty swallowing can be a clear better indication that someone that is lying to you.
9.) Watch for micro expressions. The true measure of a person's emotions will quickly flash across their face at the beginning of a conversation. It could be a half smile that lasts for five seconds or a worried look that lasts the same amount of time. These micro expressions are sometimes noticed by people subconsciously and they tend to know right away that a person is lying, although they do not know how they know this. A lot of people tend to feel a “gut instinct” about something such as a person who is lying, and this is usually as a result of seeing a micro-expression during a conversation. The micro expression is quick but if you watch for it you can see it.
10.) Ask the liar to repeat their story again. If the story is fabricated it can be very difficult to remember all of the details that they gave to you the first time around. You may notice that the person looks very uncomfortable and worried about what they are going to say to you when you ask them to repeat details that they clearly made up the first time around.
Most of the time it is easy to tell when someone is lying to you because you feel it and you know that the person is not being one hundred per cent truthful. If you start to look more closely at the person's behavior and movements, you will start to notice a lot more things more easily. At first you may have chalked these things up to a gut feeling, but soon you will see that you are more observant than you had originally thought. Liars are easy to spot when you follow some main guidelines and start to be more observant of the person that you are talking to.
Modern Ghana
by skyfishlimit
7:31 AM
Ever since AIDS has been ravaging societies, scientists have been put at work to find a cure. A new study has shown that the virus can be deleted from human cells by introducing a nuclease-RNA molecular tool which acts on the genome of the virus. These results could potentially provide the building blocks for an HIV vaccine.
HIV Dethroned From Human Cells
One of the deadliest diseases plaguing societies worldwide is AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) caused by the HIV virus. The virus is an extremely potent one as it directly targets the immune system, thereby preventing the body from defending itself against the intruder, while the latter continues to propagate itself throughout the body. The cells of the immune system function as the police force of the body, getting rid of any intruder that could potentially harm the body.
The HIV virus, however, cannot be done away with because it neutralises these very cells, stripping the body of its ability to fight harmful pathogens. That is how the virus replicates and keeps on replicating. Removing the virus from the cell it has claimed as powerhouse to fuel its replication has so far remained an impossible task for scientists. The mode of action of viruses is to use the cells structures to their own advantage. Once they enter cells, they hijack everything, and pronounce themselves the new owners of the cell machinery. However, recently, some scientists from Philadelphia have managed to devise a method by which the HIV virus was fully erased from human cells. Maybe, it is the beginning of the end of HIV’s reign over mankind?

HIV-1 Virus Successfully Deleted From Human Cells
The team of scientists successfully deleted the HIV-1 virus from human cells. One of the authors, Kamel Khalili, expressed very positive words concerning the results of their study as follows: “This is one important step on the path toward a permanent cure for AIDS.” The study was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
HIV Dethroned From Human Cells
One of the deadliest diseases plaguing societies worldwide is AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) caused by the HIV virus. The virus is an extremely potent one as it directly targets the immune system, thereby preventing the body from defending itself against the intruder, while the latter continues to propagate itself throughout the body. The cells of the immune system function as the police force of the body, getting rid of any intruder that could potentially harm the body.
The HIV virus, however, cannot be done away with because it neutralises these very cells, stripping the body of its ability to fight harmful pathogens. That is how the virus replicates and keeps on replicating. Removing the virus from the cell it has claimed as powerhouse to fuel its replication has so far remained an impossible task for scientists. The mode of action of viruses is to use the cells structures to their own advantage. Once they enter cells, they hijack everything, and pronounce themselves the new owners of the cell machinery. However, recently, some scientists from Philadelphia have managed to devise a method by which the HIV virus was fully erased from human cells. Maybe, it is the beginning of the end of HIV’s reign over mankind?
HIV-1 Virus Successfully Deleted From Human Cells
The team of scientists successfully deleted the HIV-1 virus from human cells. One of the authors, Kamel Khalili, expressed very positive words concerning the results of their study as follows: “This is one important step on the path toward a permanent cure for AIDS.” The study was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Enzyme-RNA Combination Deletes Potent HIV Virus
The scientists manufactured a set of molecular tools to erase the HIV-1 proviral DNA. DNA can be chipped off by certain enzymes through specific binding. These enzymes are called nucleases. The nuclease was combined with a strand of RNA called a guide RNA (gRNA). This newly-engineered molecular bullet looks up the genome of the virus and deletes the HIV-1 DNA. Once this is done, the virus is no longer as powerful. The human cell takes regains control over itself, and gets its own self repaired.
The nuclease-RNA combination might be used to engineer a therapeutic vaccine.
The scientists manufactured a set of molecular tools to erase the HIV-1 proviral DNA. DNA can be chipped off by certain enzymes through specific binding. These enzymes are called nucleases. The nuclease was combined with a strand of RNA called a guide RNA (gRNA). This newly-engineered molecular bullet looks up the genome of the virus and deletes the HIV-1 DNA. Once this is done, the virus is no longer as powerful. The human cell takes regains control over itself, and gets its own self repaired.
The nuclease-RNA combination might be used to engineer a therapeutic vaccine.
Cure For AIDS Might Soon See The Light Of The Day
The next step would be to work out the ways to use the new method in clinical trials. From there on, it would be determined whether the effects would be positive on humans – for that to happen, every copy of the HIV-1 has to be done away with from the cells of the patients. If this becomes possible, AIDS patients will be cured.
The next step would be to work out the ways to use the new method in clinical trials. From there on, it would be determined whether the effects would be positive on humans – for that to happen, every copy of the HIV-1 has to be done away with from the cells of the patients. If this becomes possible, AIDS patients will be cured.
Island Crisis
Monday, August 11, 2014
by skyfishlimit
12:05 PM
Time Traveler Found In Old Film With MacBook Air. This video on YouTube claims that a student from the 1950′s is actually a time traveler that is carrying an Apple laptop computer, MacBook air, with her during a recording of an atomic civil defense film. As the camera zooms in, you can clearly see the Apple logo on the front of the item, which is identified as a MacBook air, she is carrying.
We’ve seen it in movies, but maybe time travel is not as far-fetched as we think. According to scientists, time travel is the concept of moving between different points in time in a manner analogous to moving between different points in space. Skeptic or not, check out the video below and share it
Daily Buzz Live
Sunday, August 10, 2014
by skyfishlimit
11:13 AM
1. Sell your blood plasma. The payout $20-$50 per donation
Plasma is a clear liquid that contains mostly water but is also filled with enzymes, proteins and antibodies. It is the largest component in the human blood. Plasma is mainly used to create therapies that treat people with autoimmune diseases, burn victims and clotting disorders. When blood is being drawn an automated machine separates the plasma from the other blood components which is then returned to the donor. You can receive a payout between $20-$50 per donation.
Plasma is a clear liquid that contains mostly water but is also filled with enzymes, proteins and antibodies. It is the largest component in the human blood. Plasma is mainly used to create therapies that treat people with autoimmune diseases, burn victims and clotting disorders. When blood is being drawn an automated machine separates the plasma from the other blood components which is then returned to the donor. You can receive a payout between $20-$50 per donation.
2. Donate your reproductive cells. The payout for eggs is $5,000-$10,000 per donation. The payout for sperm is $30-$200 per donation.
Egg donation allows women whose ovaries do not produce healthy eggs to become pregnant using another woman’s eggs. In the United States egg donors can receive anywhere from $5000-$10,000 per donation. Men can donate their sperm with a much easier process and also a bit less lucrative than an egg donation. Men are paid anywhere from $30-$200 per donation. However that can add up to more in the pocket because men can donate hundreds of sperm samples.
3. Lay in bed for 70 days straight. The payoff for this one is $18,000
NASA uses this procedure to simulate some of the changes that occur in an astronaut’s body when going through space, weightless, during the flight. NASA will pay you to stay in bed for 70 days, 24 hours a day. You need to make sure you’re mentally prepared to spend 70 days in bed. Not everybody is comfortable with that. Not everybody can tolerate an extended time in bed. But remember the payout for this one….. $18,000!
4. Donate a Testicle. The payout for this is $35,000
On a episode of “Extreme Cheapskates “a Las Vegas man figured out a way to make some money by signing up for medical trials. He saved himself more than $750. That inspired him to take it one step further. Most recently he also agreed to donate one of his testicles. But they didn’t just leave him hanging. They replaced it with an artificial one and paid him $35,000. It was reported that he used the money to purchase a Nissan 370 Z.
On a episode of “Extreme Cheapskates “a Las Vegas man figured out a way to make some money by signing up for medical trials. He saved himself more than $750. That inspired him to take it one step further. Most recently he also agreed to donate one of his testicles. But they didn’t just leave him hanging. They replaced it with an artificial one and paid him $35,000. It was reported that he used the money to purchase a Nissan 370 Z.
5. Enroll in psychological studies. The payout varies per program
Paid psychological studies that examine behavior of brain function may not generate as high of a return as other trials, but they’re usually lower risk and require shorter commitment time. Most research universities offer easy sign up by keeping an online database of studies available for people
Paid psychological studies that examine behavior of brain function may not generate as high of a return as other trials, but they’re usually lower risk and require shorter commitment time. Most research universities offer easy sign up by keeping an online database of studies available for people
Daily Buzz Live
by skyfishlimit
11:02 AM
22 Year Old Hides Dead Infant Under Bed Hoping He Will Come Back To Life. A heartless mother in New Bedford, Massachusetts gave birth to a baby boy, then put him in a box under the bed, hoping he would come back to life. Tamlyn Gonzalez, 22, said she gave birth to the infant boy and he got stuck in the birth canal. At the same time she said she saw the umbilical cord wrapped tightly around his neck. However, she did not admit to this when first questioned by police. Gonzalez lied several times to police and acted shocked and appalled that they found a dead baby under her porch.
It was after the dead baby began to leave a foul stench in the home, Gonzalez moved it outside under the staircase. It was when the grandmother complained of a foul stench, the box with the dead baby was found. She said she placed the baby she birthed alone at home in an old shoebox at first under her own bed and later under the staircase outside so that the baby could have “A chance to come back to life.” Apparently the 22-year-old baby killer his her pregnancy from everyone. It was confirmed that the baby did die from umbilical cord strangulation complications, but is undetermined whether the child may have survived if a doctor had been present.
Even though she did not physically kill the baby, it is her fault the baby died by not having a doctor present or having prenatal care. Even if the baby did survive, who knows what somebody in her mental condition would have done to that child. Obviously she was not excited about his arrival, as she hid the baby her entire pregnancy. Gonzalez has been officially taken into custody. She was put on probation monitoring, ordered to take prescription medications and mental health counseling. She was then released to an adult probation supervisor for continued checkups. Gonzalez faces 10 years in prison.
Daily Buzz Live
by skyfishlimit
10:50 AM
Human Meat Found In McDonald’s Meat Factory. McDonald’s history is not a good one, and fast food restaurants already are known to have a lot of mystery ingredients, but this tops the list.
Previously we brought you a report that detailed disturbing audio admissions by a man that claimed McDonald’s uses human meat as a filler in their 100% beef hamburgers and the fact that McDonald’s has been accused of using worm meat fillers. Now, inspectors have allegedly found human meat and horse meat in the freezer’s of an Oklahoma City McDonald’s meat factory. Human meat was also recovered in several trucks that were on their way to deliver the patties to the fast food restaurants.
According to various reports, authorities have inspected factories and restaurants across the country and have found human meat in 90% of the locations. Horse meat was found in 65% of the locations. FBI agent Lloyd Harrison told Huzler reporters, “The worst part is that it’s not only human meat, it’s child meat. The body parts were found across the US factories and were deemed too small to be adult body parts. This is truly horrible”.

Cannibalism has gone back tens of thousands of years and is still present today. In 2013 a North Korean man was executed for killing his children for food. Today there are a few tribes that still believe in eating human flesh as a cultural practice. Here in America, people have obsessed about eating human meat such as Jeffrey Dahmer and Albert Fish. We have labeled them mentally ill. To be in denial that this type of thing does not happen, would be foolish.
Cannibalism has gone back tens of thousands of years and is still present today. In 2013 a North Korean man was executed for killing his children for food. Today there are a few tribes that still believe in eating human flesh as a cultural practice. Here in America, people have obsessed about eating human meat such as Jeffrey Dahmer and Albert Fish. We have labeled them mentally ill. To be in denial that this type of thing does not happen, would be foolish.
Now the customers of McDonald’s fast food restaurants want answers! How long have they been using this human meat? Where did they get the children from? Were they already dead when brought into the factories? Authorities hope to have all of these questions answered as they thoroughly investigate all facilities. Get healthy fast by avoiding these fast food restaurants all together!
Daily Buzz Live
Saturday, August 9, 2014
by skyfishlimit
10:19 AM
In a rare medical case, a team of doctors at state-run JJ hospital extracted as many as 232 tiny teeth from a 17-year-old boy’s mouth in a six-hour long surgery conducted on Monday. Interestingly, doctors claim that the total count of minuscule teeth was far greater than 232, after which they gave up on counting and focussed only on removing them.
Aashiq Gawai, a tenth standard boy from a remote village called Valsavangi in Buldhana district, started developing abnormally fast growing teeth, four months ago. While initially, his parents ignored the peculiar growth, tension grew when his right lower jaw started to swell.
“I did not have much money and we could not understand what was wrong with my son. We first visited a private doctor after which we went to a public hospital in Aurangabad. The doctors in Aurangabad referred us to JJ hospital, stating that it is out of their medical expertise,” said Suresh Gawai, Aashiq’s father.
Gawai, who cultivates cotton in Valsavangi, can hardly speak Hindi. He still cannot understand the medical anomaly his son developed. With no money in his pockets, he reached Mumbai and admitted Aashiq to JJ hospital on July 1.
Later, he was informed about the Rajiv Gandhi Jeevandayee Arogya Yojana, a scheme that provides free medical treatment to poor patients, and enlisted his son under the scheme.
On July 21, during a six-hour long surgery, a team of doctors removed the abnormal growth of teeth from Aashiq’s lower jaw.
“The abnormal growth was a benign tumour. He had a normal jawline, but one molar tooth in the lower jaw had given birth to hundreds of tiny teeth. There were clusters of tooth buds in his lower jaw,” said Dr Sunanda Dhivare, head of dentistry department at JJ hospital.
The doctors in the hospital themselves admitted to having witnessed such a condition for the first time. ENT surgeon Dr Vandana Thorawade said during the surgery, they ensured that the patient’s face symmetry did not change.
“The bone around which the tumour was attached had become brittle and thin. That was the only complication. We could not let that bone break and so we slowly removed one tooth after another,” Thorawade added.
At present, he is on a liquid diet and should be able to eat solid food in a few days.
The Indian Express
by skyfishlimit
10:09 AM
The moon is for things unseen, things done in the shadows and beneath the fog. Under bridges and beneath bed sheets — it’s for wild hearts and unconcerned minds. It’s where plans are made in dark alleyways and secrets revealed under the soft haze of light coming through the cracks of closed shutters.
It’s when fugitives escape and kids run away. It’s when girls lose their virginities on torn leather seats and boys get into trouble. It’s when the suffering take their lives and the lonely seek comfort.
It’s when we fall in love — that passionate, all-consuming, purposeful love that always looks a little different in the light of day.
It’s by night that we see our true desires. We reflect on our moments of unhappiness and those yearnings that are momentarily blinded by the sun. It’s when we become poets and philosophers, martyrs and murderers.
It’s when we form regrets of days past and that profound hatred for those who hurt us. It’s when we choke on our tears through deep sobs that can only pour onto dark pillowcases.
The night is for passion. It’s for fanaticism, romance and trouble. It’s when your most tender, authentic and suppressed sides come out to play under the nonjudgmental eyes of the stars.
It’s for all those things you could never dream of doing by day, under the watchful eyes of the sun.
It’s no wonder night owls are more intelligent than those who hit the hay early. It makes sense that those who absorb the energy of the moon are more creative and open-minded than those who like to catch the early worm.
It’s only natural that those who go to bed earlier never experience the psychological and emotional changes that occur under the blanket of darkness.
According to ”Psychology Today,” intelligent people are more likely to be nocturnal than people with lower IQ scores. In a study run on young Americans, results showed that intelligent individuals went to bed later on weeknights and weekends than their less intelligent counterparts.
In ”Study Magazine,” Satoshi Kanazawa, a psychologist at the London School Of Economics And Political Science, reported that IQ average and sleeping patterns are most definitely related, proving that those who play under the moon are, indeed, more intelligent human beings.
His analysis goes back to ancient times, asserting the idea that even in primitive years, people have been known to rise and fall with the sun.
Average brains were conditioned to follow this sleep pattern, while the more inquisitive, intellectual ones want to defy that pattern and create their own.
It’s an unconscious defiance that comes from refusal to acquiesce to the idea of mass appeal.
These findings are reported by “Study Magazine” as such:
Bedtimes and wake-up times for Americans in their 20s by IQ.
Very Dull (IQ < 75)
Weekday: 11:41 pm -7:20 am
Weekend: 12:35 am -10:09 pm
Normal (90 < IQ < 110)
Weekday: 12:10 am -7:32 am
Weekend: 1:13 am -10:14 am
Very Bright (IQ > 125)
Weekday: 12:29 am -7:52 am
Weekend: 1:44 am -11:07 am
The data supports the notion that all night owls feel: the only real time for living is after everyone’s gone to bed.
Only after dark can we learn, absorb and study the effects of the day. It’s a necessary self reflection that few humans take the time to make.
There’s something to be said about those who fight the urge to sleep and explore that block of uncharted time that so many who always have their eyes closed will never see.
They Get Time To Daydream
Free to play in the open spaces of your mind, you can swim in all those thoughts you hid under your desk or behind mounds of paper work. It’s the most creative time of day, along with the most liberating.
It’s by the nightfall that your most uninhibited and passionate sides are explored. It’s the time to unleash your innermost desires and allow yourself the freedom that’s masked behind the taunting exposure of sunlight.
The night is for testing your limits and challenging yourself. It’s for discovering those passions you suppress all day and breaking down all those rules your parents made to protect you.
It’s the time to dig into those hidden corners of your mind and unknown trails of your subconscious. It’s a time of self-expression that can only be unlocked at night and evaluated by day.
They Are Anti-Establishment
Staying up late has been, and always will be, an act of rebellion. A defiance of the nine-to-five, the very habit of staying up late is revolutionary. Since ancient times, there is evidence that society condoned the night owls.
In the academic paper, “Why The Night Owl Is More Intelligent,” published in the journal “Psychology And Individual Differences,” it’s widely assumed that for several millennia, humans were largely conditioned to work during the day and to sleep at night.
While those who defy the trend, are more likely to “acquire and espouse evolutionarily novel values and preferences than less intelligent individuals.”
These “novel values” become the building blocks of leaders. They are the makings of revolutionaries, inventors and explorers. They are the ones who makes sacrifices and defy the societal pressure to follow the masses.
It’s no surprise that those willing to stay up late, to explore the uncharted territory of night, are more inquisitive.
They are more apt to make discoveries and challenge authority. They want to expand their mind, not shut it off just because people tell them it’s time for bed.
Staying up late has been, and always will be, an act of rebellion. A defiance of the nine-to-five, the very habit of staying up late is revolutionary. Since ancient times, there is evidence that society condoned the night owls.
In the academic paper, “Why The Night Owl Is More Intelligent,” published in the journal “Psychology And Individual Differences,” it’s widely assumed that for several millennia, humans were largely conditioned to work during the day and to sleep at night.
While those who defy the trend, are more likely to “acquire and espouse evolutionarily novel values and preferences than less intelligent individuals.”
These “novel values” become the building blocks of leaders. They are the makings of revolutionaries, inventors and explorers. They are the ones who makes sacrifices and defy the societal pressure to follow the masses.
It’s no surprise that those willing to stay up late, to explore the uncharted territory of night, are more inquisitive.
They are more apt to make discoveries and challenge authority. They want to expand their mind, not shut it off just because people tell them it’s time for bed.

They Are More Open-Minded
Things that happen at night are things you can’t get away with during the day. It’s the time of utter licentiousness, of underhanded transactions and unseemly occupations.
It’s when the bars are opened and the poets write. It’s when musicians pore over instruments, geniuses have their breakthroughs and artists come alive. According to “Esquire,” it’s also when you have the most sex.
Healthy sex lives and late curfews are indeed, positively correlated. Those reported to have later bedtimes were buying more sex toys and having more sex than their sleepier counterparts.
One sex shop worker believes that intelligence is correlated with open-mindedness, which in turns correlates with a more open sex life.
Those who are willing to stay awake, who yearn for the mysteries of nightfall, are exposed to an array of discoveries that those who stay asleep will never know. It’s those who are willing to test their limits and explore in the dark who will bring more light to the day.
Things that happen at night are things you can’t get away with during the day. It’s the time of utter licentiousness, of underhanded transactions and unseemly occupations.
It’s when the bars are opened and the poets write. It’s when musicians pore over instruments, geniuses have their breakthroughs and artists come alive. According to “Esquire,” it’s also when you have the most sex.
Healthy sex lives and late curfews are indeed, positively correlated. Those reported to have later bedtimes were buying more sex toys and having more sex than their sleepier counterparts.
One sex shop worker believes that intelligence is correlated with open-mindedness, which in turns correlates with a more open sex life.
Those who are willing to stay awake, who yearn for the mysteries of nightfall, are exposed to an array of discoveries that those who stay asleep will never know. It’s those who are willing to test their limits and explore in the dark who will bring more light to the day.
They Are Proactive
The early bird may get the worm, but the night owl gets the whole jar. While the early risers may get up to see the first worm crawl its way to the wet surface, the night owl gets to them before they burrow under.
Getting up early is most definitely proactive, but staying up late is just as fruitful. Those who stay up get hours ahead, rather than the one or two an early riser gains.
There are things to be explored at night that early risers will never experience. There are ideas formulated and tasks completed that early risers never get to finish.
Because at night, there is dawn and a new day in front of you. But by morning, there’s just the bleakness of night and the daunting end of another day.
Elite Daily
by skyfishlimit
9:38 AM
After several months of delays, Verruckt, the world’s tallest water slide, is set to open Thursday in Schlitterbahn water park in Kansas City, Kan.
At a little more than 168 feet high, the ride is taller than New York’s Statue of Liberty. It was to have opened at the end of last month, but a mechanical issue scrubbed those plans. That issue has been addressed, spokeswoman Winter Prosapio said Tuesday morning.
"We want you to feel like you're coming out of a cannon and getting shot out and then falling straight down," water park designer Jeff Henry of Texas said in a June 29 Travel Channel show called "Xtreme Waterparks."Here's how the ride unfolds: Thrill-seekers climb nearly 300 steps to the top, clamber onto a four-person raft then plunge downward at more than 50 mph. They are then hauled up a 55-story hill and sail downward again, landing with a splash in a pool of water.
Guinness World Records representatives visited the Verruckt slide in April to certify it as the tallest water slide on the globe at 17 stories -- 168 feet and 7 inches tall.
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"The ride is extremely complex," Prosapio told the Los Angeles Times after a problem with the conveyer that hauls the 100-pound rafts to the top of the slide scotched the start.
The various bumps on the road to completing the slide are detailed in the Travel Channel feature. The city also required additional time to approve the permit for this gargantuan endeavor. Rain, snow, even tornadoes interfered with construction.
Just after Guinness visited the park in April, the ride’s design had to be changed after some test rafts went flying through the air and crashed to the ground.
A county-state agency inspected the ride for structural soundness, Kansas City, Mo., TV station KMBC News reported. Rider safety is not part of that inspection.
There are "very few, if any, rules in the state of Kansas" governing rider safety at theme parks, Edwin Birch, spokesman for the Unified Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas City, Kan., told KMBC.
Prosapio said the park and Verruckt were required to meet all local codes and building requirements but that Schlitterbahn abided by national guidelines related to waterpark rides.
"This ride is almost a hybrid between a waterpark ride and a roller coaster, so we are going with the more conservative waterpark guidelines," she said.
Prosapio said a media preview would take place Wednesday morning and that the park had been sending test riders in the last few days "even in bikinis."
In a promo for the Travel Channel show, above, a camera provides a first-person point of view of the ride.
Will you be lining up to ride Verruckt?
LA Times
Thursday, August 7, 2014
by skyfishlimit
8:57 AM
One innovative company has created a vending machine that works with the environment and helps feed the 150,000 homeless cats and dogs.
Turkey is known for its large numbers of stray animals roaming its urban areas. According to Deutsche Welle in Istanbul alone there are more than 150,000 stray dogs and cats. Some of the residents welcome their company and help feed them but others have complained that the animals are dangerous and spread disease. Because of these complaints, the Turkish government went on to draft a law which would move thousands of stray dogs to be to a “wildlife park,” getting the animals out of the urban environment which they are used to.
Dogs have also allegedly been the targets of poisoning campaigns, according to the Associated Press. Thankfully the Turkish company Pugedon came up with the genius idea of placing vending machines across the city of Istanbul. These machines release food and water for the city’s stray dogs in exchange for recycled plastic bottles (the recycled bottles cover the cost of the food).
How it works is the bottle powered dispensers releases pet food each time someone places a plastic bottle inside the machine. There is also has a container where you can pour the remainder of your water to make sure stray cats and dogs also have something to drink. Apart from keeping the urban animals alive, the vending machine are a great way to make people stop and think about the animals out on the streets and could perhaps be enough to make some consider adopting an animal to help deal with the problem.
This genius simple machine will provide a steady source of food to the animals, who often rely on the area’s residents to feed them. It’s also bringing some positive change to a place where the fate of stray animals has not always been a happy one. Most of the machines can be found in parks and public areas throughout the city so while they encourage the public to recycle our furry friends are being feed too.
by skyfishlimit
8:10 AM
Mysterious sounds have been heard booming from the sky all around the world – in some cases they were so loud they set off car alarms.The unsettling noises were heard recently from Europe to Canada, sounding like groans and powerful horns.In Germany noises coming from the sky were recorded on a video camera and uploaded to YouTube, with car alarms clearly heard going off in the background.
The internet has been buzzing with theories about what the sounds could be, with suggestions such as Jesus returning and the world ending put forward.
But experts have said that there are rational explanations.
University of Saskatchewan physics professor Jean-Pierre St. Maurice told CTV that it’s electromagnetic noise emitted from auroras and radiation belts.
Geoscientist David Deming from the University of Oklahoma, meanwhile, has previously written about a phenomenon called The Hum – ‘a mysterious and untraceable sound that is heard in certain locations around the world by two to ten per cent of the population’.
Writing in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, he said that sources of The Hum could include telephone transmissions and ‘aircraft operated by the U.S Navy for the purpose of submarine communications’.
According to NASA, the Earth has ‘natural radio emissions’.
The Agency said: ‘If humans had radio antennas instead of ears, we would hear a remarkable symphony of strange noises coming from our own planet. Scientists call them "tweeks," "whistlers" and "sferics."
'They sound like background music from a flamboyant science fiction film, but this is not science fiction. Earth's natural radio emissions are real and, although we're mostly unaware of them, they are around us all the time.’
For instance lightning can produce eerie-sounding radio emissions, Nasa added.
Earthquakes can also produce sub-audible sounds, according to seismologist Brian W Stump from the Southern Methodist University in Dallas.
Daily Mail
by skyfishlimit
7:44 AM
Diagnosed with Kleine-Levin syndrome or KLS, the teen suffers from a rare disorder that affects a mere 1,000 people in the country. It is characterized by recurring periods of excessive sleep, which occur as "episodes," typically lasting from several days to a few weeks. The episodes can be punctuated with periods of disorientation, irritability and hallucinations. The state has been described as the delirium one feels when waking from anesthesia.
The onset of these bouts of sleep come abruptly. Delien says that she begins to feel tired, and then … sleep. She does not remember what happens during the episodes. As can be seen in the video below, she seems to be in a state somewhere in-between asleep and awake, much like the dreamy realm that sleepwalkers inhabit during their midnight perambulations.
The onset of the bizarre disorder occurred when Delien was 6.5 years old. According to the National Institutes of Health, the syndrome may be related to malfunction of the hypothalamus and thalamus, parts of the brain that govern appetite and sleep. The teen’s doctor suggests that the cause of the syndrome may somehow be triggered by illnesses or viruses.
Fortunately for the handful of miserable sleeping beauties in the world, the bad dream resolves itself; symptoms dissipate after eight years, on average, give or take six years. Good news for the teen? Indeed. Says Delien, “It’s not fun because you miss out on a lot.”
Mother Nature Network
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
by skyfishlimit
2:41 AM
Lake Hillier is a pink-colored lake on Middle Island, the largest of the islands and islets that make up the Recherche Archipelago, Western Australia. From above the lake appears a solid bubble gum pink. It is such a significant distinguishing feature of the archipelago that air passengers often crane their necks to take a glimpse of it.
The lake is about 600 meters long, and is surrounded by a rim of sand and a dense woodland of paperbark and eucalyptus trees. A narrow strip of sand dunes covered by vegetation separates it to the north from the Southern Ocean.

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Unlike other pink lakes in the world like the one in Retba and the salt ponds at San Francisco Bay, the pink color of Lake Hillier has not been decisively proved, although it is speculated that the color could arise from a dye created by the organisms Dunaliella salina and Halobacteria. Another hypothesis is that the pink color is due to red halophilic bacteria in the salt crusts. That the color is not a trick of light can be proved by taking water from the lake in a container – the pink color can be found to be permanent.
One of the first evidence of Middle Island's pink lake dates back to the journals of Matthew Flinders, a British navigator and hydrographer in 1802. Flinders had climbed Middle Island's highest peak (now known as Flinders Peak) to survey the surrounding waters when he came across this remarkable pink lake. Except for a few years when salt extraction was being carried out here, the island and its pink lake has been almost untouched and has since then provide visitors with one of the most amazing view of the world's natural wonder.
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Sources: Wikipedia, A Guide to Asia, Amusing Planet
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